Our commitment to R+D+i and the adaptation of our products to the needs of each client have made us a benchmark in Europe and worldwide.
Our commitment to R + D + i and the adaptation of our products to the needs of each client have made us a benchmark in Europe and worldwide.
Thanks to our extraordinary engineering department they imagine, design and create and collaborations with leading European technology centers, we can offer companies leading and personalized products.

New challenges, continuous evolution.

Thanks to our high level of competitiveness, in 1994 we became one of the first Basque companies to obtain the ISO 9000 certificate. ekin has also been awarded quality certificates by the most demanding customers on the market: the leading automotive manufacturers.
Machines are the products which best represent ekin’s knowhow, and we manufacture all the machines necessary for producing each part and tool. We are world leaders in high-precision machines and tools for broaching and cold rolling. Moreover, we are a key player in this industry in Europe, with full in-house design, development and assembly capacity.
OPERA Project (ZL-2024/00236)
The OPERA project, titled “Perfect Cut in Brushes,” is co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).
The objective of this project is to “Implement the best methodology for finishing cutting edges, removing burrs, and improving surface finishing in the brush production process at EKIN.” To achieve this goal, EKIN’s R&D team collaborates closely with the Faculty of Engineering at Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU-EPS), as a research center within the RVCTI network, Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa S.Coop., and CIC nanoGUNE, also as a research center within the RVCTI network.

HATASU Project (ZL-2024/00270)
The HATASU project, titled “High Material Removal Tools with Safeguarded Surface Integrity: New Designs and Comprehensive Process Monitoring,” is co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).
The objective of this project is to “improve both manufacturing technology and the quality of the final product through the monitoring of significant variables and continuous learning of the process.” To achieve this goal, led by EKIN’s R&D team, there is close collaboration with companies such as Fagor, Talleres Wolco, Metrología Sariki, and UPV/EHU as a research center within the RVCTI network.

WHEEL 3D Project (ZL-2024/00172)
The WHEEL 3D project, titled “3D Printing of a New Generation of Elastic Abrasive Tools for Superfinishing,” is co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).
The objective of this project is “3D printing of elastic grinding wheels for superfinishing operations.” To achieve this goal, led by the R&D teams of Abrasivos MANHATTAN and Ekin S. Coop., there is close collaboration with IMH Campus and UPV/EHU as a research center within the RVCTI network.

BROSOSTE Project (ZL-2024/00477)
The BROSOSTE project, titled “Development of a Sustainable Brush Manufacturing Route Based on a Responsible Production Model for Precision Machining,” is co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).
The objective of this project “responds to the commitment to seek a more sustainable future that complies with the guidelines of the European Union, making the transition to a new production model based on circularity necessary.” To achieve this goal, EKIN’s R&D team collaborates closely with the CEIT Technology Center.

ERAGIN Project (ZL-2024/00024)

The ERAGIN project, titled “A New ERA in Advanced Manufacturing of Intermediate Pressure Modules for Generating Innovation and Knowledge,” is co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).
The objective of this project is to “explore and investigate enabling and sustainable manufacturing technologies for the production of compressor modules and intermediate pressure (IP) modules, parts of the engine that represent new business opportunities and market positioning for these products.” To achieve this goal, EKIN’s R&D team collaborates with ITP, DANOBAT, ONA, SAVVY, Metalúrgica Marina S.A., INTENANCE (INT), Metrología Sariki, and UPV/EHU as a research center within the RVCTI network.

LEHIAKOR Project (ZL-2024/00619)

The LEHIAKOR project, titled “Technologies for an Advanced, Competitive, and Sustainable Industry Exploiting the Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence,” is co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).
The objective of this project is to “optimize manufacturing processes in terms of sustainability, quality, and productivity by developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions based on deep learning through the use of large datasets composed of labeled, balanced, meaningful, and useful data.” To achieve this goal, EKIN’s R&D team collaborates closely with DANOBAT, ENGINE POWER COMPONENTS GROUP, BILBAO ELECTRÓNICA, with IDEKO S. Coop. as the research center within the RVCTI network.

OPERA Project (ZL-2023/00550)
OPERA PROJECT “The Perfect Cut in Brushes”. Action financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
The aim of this project is “to establish the best methodology for cutting edges, removing beards and improving surface finish in the EKIN brush production process.” To this end, EKIN’s R & D team collaborates closely with Mondragon Unibertsitatea’s Faculty of Engineering (MU-EPS), as well as with CIC nanoGUNE as a BRTA research center.

HATASU Project (ZL-2023/00594)
Project HATASU, “High Launch Rate Tools, Preserving Surface Integrity: New Designs and Comprehensive Process Monitoring”. Action financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
This project aims to “improve manufacturing technology and the quality of the final product by monitoring significant variables and constantly learning the process.” To achieve this goal, led by the EKIN R & D team, BRTA is working closely with Fagor, Wolco Workshops, Metrology Sariki and UPV/EHU as research centers.

WHEEL 3D Project (ZL-2023/00597)
WHELL3D project called “3D printing of a new generation of elastic abrasive tools for superfinishing.” Action financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
The goal of this project is “3D printing of elastic stones for instant finishing operations.” MANHATTAN and Ekin are working intensively on R & D teams to achieve this goal, as well as IMH Campus and UPV/EHU as BRTA research centers.

Project GRIN-BRO (ZL-2022/00173)
GRIN-BRO project called the development of the new generation of GRIN (GREEN+INTELLIGENT) brochures for the automotive sector. Action co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
The aim of this project is to develop a new generation of intelligent land machining brochure supported by MQL. To achieve this goal, the EKIN R & D team collaborates closely with the IDEKO technology center.

KAIA Project (ZL-2021/00048)
Project KAIA, Digital Platform for Quality Control for Manufacturing with Zero Defects through Artificial Intelligence. Action financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
The KAIA project proposes a new generation of digital solutions based on new sensorized components, hybrid digital twins and optimization tools based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to ensure holistic quality of smart factories, including process, product and data quality. To achieve this goal, Ekin’s R & D team collaborates closely with UPV and IDEKO.

Project BEATRICE (ZL-2021/00250)
Project BEATRICE, entitled High Performance Brochure related to the New Transport Sector. Action financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
The aim of this project is to create a brochure design guide based on the experience and evidence developed in the company. To achieve this goal, Ekin’s R & D team collaborates closely with UPV/EHU.

BROACH+ project (ZL-2021/00199)
Project BROACH+, new brushes made of fast steel, with the title of application in the machining of aeronautical components. Action financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
The goal of this project is to get new fast steel brushes (HSS) through PM technologies. These technologies improve performance in the brochure of difficult aeronautical materials. To achieve this goal, Ekin’s R & D team collaborates closely with the Materials and Manufacturing Division of the CEIT-IK4 Technology Center.

GRIN-BRO Project (ZL-2021/00380)
The GRIN-BRO project, titled “Development of a New Generation of GRIN (GREEN+INTELLIGENT) Broaching Machines for the Automotive Sector,” is co-funded by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).
The objective of this project is “the complete development of a new generation of intelligent broaching machines for dry machining assisted by MQL.” To achieve this goal, EKIN’s R&D team collaborates closely with the IDEKO technology center.

PROWHEEL (ZL-2021/00156)
Tailor-Made Grinding Solutions project: complete stone/process technology to provide an optimal and customized response to market demands called PROWHELL. Action co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
EKIN participates in this project led by ABRASIVOS UNESA and is supported by the Euskoiker Foundation. The purpose of the project proposed by the consortium is to develop a knowledge-based strategy designed to provide a personalized response to the demands of the correction process.

FAKTORIA project (ZE-2020/00001)
The FAKTORIA project, the production processes of new technologies and the Basque aeronautical manufacturing network, under the name Research for future high-speed turbines. Action financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
The purpose of the consortium is to place the Basque Country as a strategic location both in the design and manufacture of turbines and in the equalization of future medium and high thrust aeronautical engines. To this end, Ekin will develop a new concept of brush where the new pulvimetallurgical qualities of fast steel and ALCrN states allow the cutting speed to rise by more than 10 m/min, as well as work on improving the oral radius.

CODICE+ project (ZE-2018/00017)
Flexible Dimensional Control and Line Component Project called CODICE+. Action co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
The project presented to the Consortium aims to advance the development and innovation of the means of measurement capable of online deployment, as well as to have high levels of flexibility to adapt to the different needs and requirements for dimensional measurement.

GROUP PROJECT (ZE-2017/000229)
GROUP project High-speed turbines: development of advanced manufacturing technologies. Action co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.
The main objective of the consortium led by ITP is to improve the high-speed turbine. To this end, EKIN has developed a modified brochure machine to achieve high performance.


On the other hand, Ekin enjoys a privileged environment in terms of the supply of technological services and takes advantage of it collaborating with centers of this nature and researching jointly with the university environment to develop any product related to the world of the brush.
Thus, together with these research centers, it participates continuously in state and European development programs. In this area, its participation in the European program EASE-R3 stands out, which develops Innovative Strategies for the Renewal and Repair of Manufacturing Systems. This project, which is part of the seventh Framework Program for Research and Innovation of the European Commission, brings together a total of 14 organizations (companies, universities and technology centers), of which state representatives are Ideko-Ik4 and Ekin herself.
Another example of its activity in the European environment is its participation, together with fifteen other organizations, in the AMCOR consortium, whose objective is the development and demonstration of an automated and flexible repair process for components of functionally graduated materials (FGM), in the one that Ekin takes part in the section of additive manufacturing for coatings and anticorrosive applications.
In all his activity, Ekin tries that his new developments are based in programs of calculation able to ensure the behavior of the tools and of the accionamientos of the machines. In short, the R & D department of Ekin has as its strategic axis the promotion of all the necessary technological developments to ensure its present and future competitiveness.
ekin is up to the challenge of being up-to-date on how many advances are made, incorporating them into its production processes, which allows it to work with the most demanding companies at a technological level.
The desire for innovation has always been in the characteristics of ekin. Already in the 90s we were pioneers in the manufacture of broaches of mobile table interiors in Europe and ekin is today one of the largest manufacturers of broaches in the continent. Few companies in the world count our prestige in brochado and laminado in cold.

Human factor.
Working with machines does not mean that value is subtracted from the human factor and in ekin we know that none of this would be possible without people. That is why we take care of each and every one of our workers, fostering their satisfaction and personal growth. It is from the minds of our workers that the ideas that have turned us into a leading company come out, able to adapt their products to the real needs of their clients and to offer them an integral and unbeatable service. ekin is the best example of how far you can go, relying on the ability to imagine the human being.
ISO 9000.
The high degree of competence of our cooperative led us in 1994 to be one of the first Basque companies to obtain ISO 9000 certification.
ekin has the quality certificates of the most demanding customers in the market: the main automotive manufacturers.